WordPress’ Daily Prompt: “Tell us about your favourite pair of shoes, and where they’ve taken you.” Back in 2016, I took part in a writing challenge on the app, Lettrs and one of the prompts was “Shoe Lover” so I wrote a silly little piece about the best pair of boots I have ever owned. The Faux Leather Moto Boots from Urban Planet.
My first year participating in Bloganuary 2023 has ended. I didn’t post a response for every prompt but I knew that I probably wouldn’t from the beginning. Nevertheless, I did enjoy taking part in it and it helped me to make some progress on this new little blog of mine.
One thing I regret not doing early on in life is learning to speak another language fluently. I did take some French in school but after I graduated, I didn’t stick with it. In the past couple of years however, I have been interested in learning it again (and much more than I did in school) and I have been using Duolingo to do so.
Today’s prompt for Bloganuary 2023 is “What is a song or poem that speaks to you and why?” and it’s one of the easiest prompts for me to answer: “The Anchor Holds”. Ray Boltz has been one of my favourite gospel artists for as long as I can remember and “The Anchor Holds” is my favourite song. It’s been the theme to my life.
I believe we all may have a different definition of success. Some may define it as working at their dream career or being the CEO of a major business. Some may define it as having a big home, driving an expensive car and/or being married with children. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with these things or working towards them, this isn’t what being successful is to me.
The chore that has been the most challenging to me is sweeping which is unfortunate because as much as I do love having a clean home, I especially love having clean floors. It sounds like such a simple thing to do to sweep the dirt on the floor into one pile, then sweep it into a dust pan and dump it in the garbage. I mean, it does sound simple. However, it is the one chore I suck at.
For this prompt, I decided to take an online colour personality quiz and my result was GREEN!
To be honest, I believe a billion US dollars is a lot more money than anyone should ever need or have. I apologize but I personally don’t believe anyone should have a billion dollars when there are so many people in the world who are in need unless they are actually using it to make a difference in people’s lives. However, if I were to somehow win or earn (which I much rather do) a billion US dollars, this is how I would spend it.
Why Do You Write? Why do you write? That’s the Bloganuary prompt of the day and although my entry for it isn’t much, I wanted to provide some answer as to why I write.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.“
Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
One of my favourite verses. ♥
Welcome to my little space on this massive thing we call the World Wide Web.
This website will serve as a place to share my creative works including illustration, 3d design and animation. A place where I can share posts regarding other hobbies or interests, thoughts, faith and just life in general.
Thanks for stopping by! ♥
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