Category: Life

  • I believe some of the greatest gifts that someone can give to you are love, respect, loyalty, compassion and encouragement but the one that tops them all for me has already been given to me by my mother and father. Yes, they gave me all the things I mentioned at the beginning of this post but as I have told them on several occasions, the greatest gift they gave me was teaching me about my Saviour, Jesus.

    Continue: The Greatest Gift Ever Given To Me
  • What colleges have you attended? I have attended one college along with one institute.

    Continue: My Post-Secondary Education
  • It’s been a few days since I have written so I am currently working on catching up on my entries for Bloganuary 2024 but like they say, better late than never so here is my response for the second prompt for the year.

    Continue: What I consider “playtime”.
  • Winter has finally come to my part of the world. It started snowing Friday night and went until sometime this afternoon. Needless to say, I did quite a bit of shoveling. Newfoundland is known for the amount of snow it can get although, there wasn’t as much last year as there is this year. In 2020 however, this part of the province had one of the worst blizzards it ever experienced. A blizzard they called Snowmageddon.

    Continue: ❄Winter Has Come!❄
  • Hello & welcome to my new little space on this massive thing we called the world wide web. Although this will serve mainly as a place for me to share my creative works, it will also most likely feature posts on other areas of interest and just life in general. Let me introduce myself.

    Continue: Welcome….

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.