It’s been a couple of days since I last posted and now I am catching up on my writing for Bloganuary 2023. I knew I may not get to post something every single day but I do still want to try and share something for as many prompts as I can even if they aren’t entirely in order.
When I first read the prompt “What is a treasure that’s been lost?” for day 4, I wasn’t too sure what I would say for it but these past couple of days have gave me some time to really think on it. To dig a bit deeper on what I truly see as a treasure that’s been lost. The treasure that I believe has been lost is a treasure we never really even had.
As in WORLD WIDE PEACE. Sure there may have been countless discussions about it. There are groups and organizations in the world that is all about promoting it. People have prayed for it. I know that I have. It’s the answer that’s been given by so many over the years that it has become sort of a cliché to some people, as sad as that may be, but can you imagine it? World Peace.
Peace among every human being of every culture, religion or belief system, walk and way of like. A world that wasn’t plagued by oppression, racism, prejudice, sexism, abuse, hatred, violence and greed. A world where people didn’t go out of their way to hurt someone whether it be physically, verbally or emotionally. A world where people didn’t seek out a way to take advantage of others or go out of their way to humiliate or offend others for their own amusement. A world where everyone felt safe. A world where people weren’t treated as inferior or less. Where our differences were celebrated. A world where we could all have conversations in a civilized and respectful manner, even when we may not agree, because we know that having compassion and understanding for each other was more important than being right. Where the notion of loving and caring for one another, wasn’t so unfamiliar to us. Can you imagine it? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if that could be the world that we live in? Our world?
Unfortunately, it isn’t. It’s never been since the dawn of time and to be honest, I don’t think it ever will be. That’s an heartbreaking fact. That’s why it’s important for those of us who would like to live in a world where peace was known more, to keep trying to make our world a better place for everyone to live in and we can start doing this by simply treating each other with the compassion, respect and understanding that we would like to be treated with. Maybe then, this lost treasure called peace, can be found bit by bit deep down within us. 💜