What Language Do You Wish You Could Speak?

One thing I regret not doing early on in life is learning to speak another language fluently. I did take some French in school but after I graduated, I didn’t stick with it. In the past couple of years however, I have been interested in learning it again (and much more than I did in school) and I have been using Duolingo to do so.

I personally enjoy using the app and I find it makes learning a new language interesting and fun. It even offers the ability to learn Klingon for Star Trek fans. A few other languages I would possibly like to learn are Italian, Swedish and Japanese.

I personally enjoy using the app and I find it makes learning a new language interesting and fun. It even offers the ability to learn Klingon for Star Trek fans. A few other languages I would possibly like to learn are Italian, Swedish and Japanese.

Until next time,

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Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.