Back in September, I got to sit in on an online drawing webinar with the talented Anna from AndSheDrawsBig, who specializes in 3D hand drawn interior and exterior renderings. I have admired her work for quite some time so I was excited to have an opportunity to join one of her live drawing lessons in which we drew this interior collage together in Procreate.

Last week I signed up for another drawing session hosted by Anna in which we illustrated a little holiday scene together. For me, the Christmas tree was the toughest part but for my first try, I’m happy. It just means I need more practice which is never a bad thing.
I decided to kind of make it my own and for a bit more fun, I added a little animation to it using the newly released app, Procreate Dreams. It’s also the first little animation I have created using the brand new app developed by the same team that brought us Procreate.