What I Find Challenging.

First off, Happy New Year everyone! 🎉 I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and that 2024 is safe and joyful for you. With it being January 1st, not only is it the beginning of a new year but also the beginning of Bloganuary 2024.

The prompt to kick off this year’s writing event is “What are your biggest challenges?” and it’s an easy one for me.

What are your biggest challenges?

I would have to say that my biggest challenges are stepping outside of my comfort zone and putting myself “out there”. There have been so many things over the years that I was interested in doing but never did due to fear. Due to lack of confidence.

Now, as bad as it is to say, I feel like so much of my life and creativity has been wasted hiding behind fear. I sometimes wonder how different my life might have been had I not allowed doubt to control my life so much. Then again, maybe it wouldn’t be all that different or even all that better. Who knows? I can’t live in the past though. All I can do moving forward is my best to overcome these types of challenges and take that step of faith. Let’s see what happens.

Until next time,

Thanks for stopping by 💗

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.