The Greatest Gift Ever Given To Me

I believe some of the greatest gifts that someone can give to you are love, respect, loyalty, compassion and encouragement but the one that tops them all for me has already been given to me by my mother and father. Yes, they gave me all the things I mentioned at the beginning of this post plus so much more, but as I have told them on several occasions, the greatest gift they gave me was teaching me about my Saviour, Jesus. What he did one day on Calvary’s hilltop when, because of his love for me, died on the cross so that I can be forgiven and redeemed through him. They taught me that no matter how many times I may fall short of the glory of God, his love, compassion, mercy, grace and faithfulness never fail. I wish I could say I have never forgotten that or that I have clung to that truth my whole life but unfortunately, and even sadly, I can’t.

There have been times in my life when I struggled in my relationship with God and when my faith wasn’t as strong. I have already mentioned in a previous post that a couple of years ago my faith had been shaken so badly that it caused me to go through the worst depression I have ever gone through because one of the things I began to question and doubt was God’s love for me. I think that was the worst part of it all. That was what broke me. However, just like so many times in my life, my parents helped me to remember his goodness and most important, his unfailing love for me. To this day, they help me to remember that no matter what, I have a Heavenly Father who, not only can I run to, but wants me to run to him. Especially in my moments of doubt. To remind me that there is nothing I can do that can separate me from his love. That he loves me just as much now as he did when he sent his only Son to die for me.

Romans 8: 37-39 (NIV)

As I write this, I realize that I was wrong. The greatest gift ever given to me was not given to me by my parents, as wonderful a gift as it is. The greatest gift ever given to me and will ever be given to me was the gift of salvation that came from the love on the cross. The never-ending love of my Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Post inspired by today’s Bloganuary prompt “What is the greatest gift someone could give you?

Until next time,

Thanks for stopping by 💗

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.